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Mobility Aids and Scooters

Mobility aids give a sense of freedom. They offer an excellent way of staying independent and give the user the ability to visit shops, friends and family. They are simple to use, easy to maintain and economical to run. 

Classification of Mobility Aids 

Three types of invalid carriage are defined in the Use of Invalid Carriage on Highways Regulations 1988: 

Class 1 - Manual Wheelchairs

These wheelchairs are not electrically powered. You use your arms to move the wheelchair forward, or another person pushes you. 

Class 2 - Powered Wheelchairs and Scooters 

These are the only suitable for  riding on pavements or footpaths and have a top speed of 4 miles an hour (6 kilometres an hour) 

Class 3 - Powered Wheelchairs and other Outdoor Powered Vehicles (including Scooters) 

These are suitable for riding on roads, have a top speed of 8 miles an hour (12 kilometres an hour) and must not weigh more than 150 kilograms without the driver and any load. These also have a switch to limit the top speed to 4 miles an hour (6 kilometres an hour) on pavements or footpaths.

A Class 3 vehicle is not legally defined as a motor vehicle and the user does not need a driving licence or to take a test. 

However, a Class 3 vehicle can only be used by a disable person aged 14 or over, or by a person who is demonstrating a vehicle before selling it, training a disabled user, or taking a vehicle to or from a place for maintenance or repair. 

For further information on the legal issues and safe use of mobility aids you can obtain the Integrated Transport Units 'Mobility Aid' leaflet or access the Dept for Transports guidance document below. 

Mobility Scooters and Powered Wheelchairs on the road: guidance for users