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Advocacy Services

What is an advocate?

NYAS advocates are independent: they do not work for the local authority. 

Our advocates listen to what you want, inform you of your rights and empower you to get your voice heard. We ensure your wishes and feelings are expressed and acted upon to improve your situation. 

Our advocates work just for you and are on your side. 

They help you to be actively involved in decisions that affect your life. 

What support can I expect?

We can help you:

  • If you feel your views are not being listened to and want someone on your side. 
  • If you are unhappy with the way you are being cared for.
  • If you are angry or upset about something that is happening to you. 
  • If you feel you haven't been treated fairly.
  • If no one is telling you what is happening about your situation.
  • If you haven't been invovlved in decisions that are being made about you.
  • To take part in meetings and reviews. 

There may be some things that can't be changed, but an advocate will make sure everyone knows how you feel and help you to understand why the decision has been made. 

We provide a confidential service, and will only pass on information about you with your consent, unless it places you at risk of harm. 

We are led by you which means you are in control. 

For further information telephone, 0808 808 1001 or visit