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Care Leavers

The local offer is information for care leavers about what support they can receive from services.  In Hartlepool, we want to make sure that as a care leaver you feel safe and supported and know how to get the advice and services you need.  The support covers a range of areas including accommodation, money, health and wellbeing, housing, leisure, education, training and employment.  

The informatoon given in the offer details how a care leaver may be entitled to support which may be statutory (meaning it is provided to all care leavers throughout the country) or information around further support they can receive which is an addition to statutory support.  

This is something that Hartlepool offer their care leavers and unique to being a care leaver in or from the town.  There are various ways to access the local offer including an app, leaflets, charter and posters. 

Search Hartlepool CiCC IAG in your play store.

Apple App download 

Android App download