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Direct Payments

How do I find out if I am eligible for a Direct Payment?

You must contact us via the Children's Hub where a discussion will take place around your child's care needs.  You may then be allocated a social worker from the Children with Disabilities Team who will carry out an assessment in order to understand your child's needs and how best those needs can be met.  If we assess that specific services are required and the needs can not be met in any other way, then a direct payment may be offered.  This would involve a support plan being agreed which outlines why support is needed, what support is required and how the support will be implemented. 

The social worker will remain involved in order to continue to offer support and review the support package at least 6 monthly and re-assess need annually. 

Should the assessed need of your child require a Direct Payment and no other social care intervention then support will be via our Direct Payment Pathway. This means the worker will contact you 6 monthly, one of which will to be review your child’s needs which will be an annual event.

For further information please contact The Children's Hub on 01429 284284 or email [email protected]