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Service summary

Newholme Court

Newholme Court is sheltered accommodation for customers with an identified medical/mental health need.
There are 71 one and two bedroom studios and apartments with a Living Well Coordinator available through the week (Monday - Friday) who can offer advice and support.

If you want to stay independent there are a number of self-contained apartments of one or two bedrooms with lounge, kitchen, bedroom and private bathroom.
Sheltered housing focuses on freedom and flexibility, offering a home of your own and support facilities if and when you need them.

On-site Living Well Coordinators are available to assist with housing management, co-ordinating repairs, allocating apartments, responding to general queries and maintaining the health and safety of the building.
We try to create a sociable and friendly community.

Service provider

Thirteen Group

Client Groups Served

  • Older Person


  • Rent and service charges can be discussed on an individual basis.


Physical Environment Accessibility

Are your premises accessible?
Further details about your premises' accessibility

The community centre is wheelchair accessible.

Is there accessible parking on site?

Car parking is available at the community centre and also around the scheme

Do you have accessible/disabled toilets?

There are toilet facilities within the community centre

Other Accessibility

Could you provide a BSL interpreter?
Please enter any further notes about your ability to offer a BSL interpreter

There are staff within the organisation who can sign and also interpret and all information is provided in many languages Braille and also audio.

Do you cater for religious/cultural needs?
Is a referral required to access your service?
Please give further details

HUMME application form. Social Services and also the Independent living team can refer in. Vacancies are advertised via HUMME and applicants are encouraged to bid for properties they are interested in. Residents with an additional disability priority can be supported in their bidding, via the Independent Living Team, Thirteen Group.