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Service summary

Rose House Hartlepool

Rose House offers semi-independent accommodation for young people in Hartlepool aged 16-25 who are estranged from family, care leavers, at risk of homelessness or homeless and in need of housing.

Rose House has seven properties available including 3 one-bedroom flats, a bungalow, two rooms in a shared flat (communal living) and a flat for emergency accommodation on a temporary basis (28 days).

Eligible young people may stay at the project for up to two years subject to individual circumstances.

Each young person at Rose House is allocated a key worker to develop a personalised support plan, which can include help with:
•money management, including opening a bank account (if one isn't held);
•employability support to help secure training, education or employment;
•tenancy management and being a good neighbour;
•registering with health care professionals;
•support to access a wide range of community based services;
•cooking, cleaning and routines.

There is a communal area for residents to socialise and Rose House is staffed 24 hours a day.

What are the move-on options?
The service works closely with social landlords, the Council's housing team and private landlords to offer a choice of housing options when residents are ready to move on.

Staff at Rose House offer ongoing support to help prepare you for a successful transition to independent living, as well as information about community based services and other organisations that can help you establish your new home.

Service provider

Sanctuary Supported Living

Client Groups Served

  • Children and Young People


  • Weekly rent costs are covered through housing benefit, or in the event of a child in our care, direct through HBC.


Physical Environment Accessibility

Are your premises accessible?
Further details about your premises' accessibility

Accessible toilet. Bungalow to the rear which would accommodate anyone with mobility problems/wheelchair accessible, subject to meeting eligibility criteria for accessing the service.

Is there accessible parking on site?

Yes but minimal.

Other Accessibility

Could you provide a BSL interpreter?
Do you cater for religious/cultural needs?
Please give further details

Interpretation services can be sourced where applicable. Young people will be supported in line with their cultural needs and beliefs, including sourcing halal food and identification of the most suitable premises to support with maintaining religious beliefs (church/mosque).

Is a referral required to access your service?
Please give further details

Applicants (or their representatives) wishing to be considered for accommodation in Rose House need to complete a referral which can be obtained from [email protected] and returned to the same address, this will then be considered at the next supported housing panel and if eligibility criteria is met, will be invited to view the accommodation and attend an interview, an assessment will also be completed to better understand needs and inform the development of a support plan.