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Service summary

Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School

We are a Church School in the truest tradition. We have strong church links and the whole school attends the Eucharist services. We are very proud of our distinctive Christian ethos and were rated Good by Ofsted in 2023 and Outstanding by SIAMs (Schools Inspection for Anglican and Methodist Schools) in 2014.

It is with great excitement that we are now part of the Durham & Newcastle Diocesan Learning Trust. As an Academy we can share expertise and ideas in order to further improve the education which we offer to our children. We will still maintain our strong Christian ethos and values as well as our uniqueness to serve our distinct school community.

Our aim is to meet the needs of individual children so that they are able to make the most of their abilities and to achieve personal excellence. We aim to prepare them to take on the responsibilities of later life in an atmosphere of a caring Christian setting.

We look forward to working in partnership with you to provide a happy, secure and stimulating learning environment for everyone in our school. We value our good relationship with parents and are always very grateful for parental involvement in school.

Service provider

Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School

Client Groups Served

  • Children and Young People


Physical Environment Accessibility

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Other Accessibility

Could you provide a BSL interpreter?
Do you cater for religious/cultural needs?
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