Service summary
Greenfield Lodge
Greenfield Lodge is a residential and respite service for adults with a learning disability and associated physical disabilities.
Our guests are valued, and are encouraged to maximise their potential and build their independence while they are at Greenfield Lodge.
Each individual is involved in developing their own support guidance. Guests can choose to be involved in all aspects of the day to day running of the home, from ensuring the home is clean to interviewing for new staff.
Voyage Care provides innovative support and care solutions for people with learning and physical disabilities, autism, head and spinal injuries, mental health needs and a wide range of complex needs. These high quality person-centred services range from individual support packages at home to supported living and specialised residential care .
Service provider
Voyage Care
Client Groups Served
- Adult Working Age
Physical Environment Accessibility
Are your premises accessible?
Further details about your premises' accessibility
All on ground level, doors are wider to allow easy access, handrails are fitted throughout the premises, changing facilities are available. Assessments are carried out prior to using the respite facility and additional facilities are bale to be put in place.
Is there accessible parking on site?
Onsite parking for visitors
Other Accessibility
Do you cater for religious/cultural needs?
Please give further details
Individual assessments are carried out for people who use the service on admission. Needs would be individually catered for.
Is a referral required to access your service?
Please give further details
Referrals are made to the Manager, Rebecca Norton who liaises with the LDT Team, HBC. Assessments are completed by the manager and the social worker to ensure the service is able to meet the needs of the individual.