Service summary
Hartlepool St Francis
Hartlepool St Francis is a family friendly grassroots football team based in Hartlepool.
Our ethos is designed to promote fun! while learning how to play the game we all Love!
We offer the opportunity to learn and play football in a safe, friendly and caring environment.
All with great facilities and friendly coaches.
Back in the day, it really wasn’t easy finding an accessible facility in Hartlepool where you could practice as an individual or play as a team.
That is why, through mutual effort and a shared dream we managed to establish our very own Football Club.
Ever since we began in 2015 Hartlepool St Francis FC has been on a mission to become an established football club where we can offer a fun, safe and friendly environment where children can come and play football.
We are constantly striving to improve as a club and hopefully in the future when funds become available we will also have our very own club house on site.
For more information, please visit the website.
Please refer to the website for costings