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Community Volunteering in Hartlepool

Communities in Hartlepool need your help

Hartlepool’s tradition of people working together to support each other and help local communities to thrive is stepping up another gear.

If you live in the borough, have some time to spare and are excited about helping people, Tracy Harvey, the new Volunteer Coordinator at Hartlepool Borough Council’s Community Hubs, would like to hear from you.

Tracy, who is based at Community Hub Central in York Road, is looking for volunteers for a variety of unpaid roles.

There are lots of interesting and rewarding opportunities on offer at Hartlepool’s Community Hubs and further afield, such as:

• Being a Digi Buddy to help people gain digital skills
• Helping in a coffee bar or community kitchen
• Running a poetry or reading group
• Outdoor environmental work
• Assisting Hartlepool’s Street Ambassadors
• Helping with a beach wheelchair scheme
• Supporting beach cleans and litter picks
• Helping with surplus food distribution
• Running children’s play activities
• Helping in Community Hub Central’s new Fab Lab technology suite

“We’re looking for volunteers of all ages and from all backgrounds to help individuals and communities do lots of different things,” says Tracy.

“We’d love to hear from anyone who has a bit of time on their hands and who may not have considered volunteering before but is keen to help others and get more involved in our Hubs and the wider community.

“They’ll be joining a great team and as well as the satisfaction of helping others, they’ll make new friends and broaden their own skills and experience as well.

“We can provide training and who knows - we might even be helping someone gain the experience they need to find their ideal job.”

To find out more call Tracy on 01429 806906 or 07977 347208 or email [email protected]

Service provider

Hartlepool Community Hubs


Physical Environment Accessibility

Are your premises accessible?

Other Accessibility

Could you provide a BSL interpreter?
Do you cater for religious/cultural needs?
Is a referral required to access your service?

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