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Tech @ The Hub


Digital Platforms 

Hartlepool Now helps people find out about different activities and events available across the town and also information and advice in realtion to childcare, young people, adults, SEND Local Offer, Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS). 

There are also a number of other platforms including the Virtual Job and Volunteering Centre, All Together Now and Wellbeing Restore. To find out more information about our platforms, click the links below. 

The Hartlepool Now App is also available to download! 


Digital Support 

Digital Navigators are based in the Community Hubs and they provide support to the elderly, isolated and vulnerable members of our community with an aim to get them connected online to help them socialise and/or learn new skills. 



Fab Lab

The Fab Lab is a design space in Community Hub Central filled with Digital Fabrication Technology, with an aim to give the community access to creative technology that isn’t usually easily accessible. There are lots of exciting pieces of equipment ready to use, including 3D printers and a laser engraver. Our Fab Lab team are on hand to support, whilst providing various workshops and drop-in sessions for all ages.

For more information regarding the Fab Lab, please visit