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Work Trials
A Work Trial is a Jobcentre Plus service aimed at helping unemployed people find work
A Work Trial gives you the chance to try out a job and show an employer that you are the right person to do the job. It is entirely voluntary.
If you decide to take up a Work Trial, you will still receive your benefits. You will be paid expenses (such as travel expenses) and, if you have a disability or health problem that stops you from being able to do parts of your job, you will be eligible to apply for Access to Work support.
Your benefits will not be affected if you:
- want to leave the Work Trial early, or
- turn down the job if you are offered it at the end of the trial period.
If you are offered a job and you decide to accept it, this does not automatically mean that all your benefits will end. Jobcentre Plus will be able to tell you about benefits you may be able to claim while you are working.
Qualifying for and arranging a Work Trial
You will need to speak to a Jobcentre Plus adviser to find out if you qualify for a Work Trial, and how to go about setting one up.
Hartlepool's Jobcentre Plus office is in Wesley Square, opposite the Grand Hotel on Swainson Street. Pay and display car parking is available in the town centre and local bus stops nearby.
Alternatively, you can contact Jobcentre Plus on 0845 6060 234
For further information on Work Trials visit www.gov.uk/jobcentre-plus-help-for-recruiters/work-trials