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Who Can You Talk to About Your Safety?
Below are some examples of who you can talk to about your safety:
- You can get more information about keeping yourself and your home safe from your local police station.
- You can also talk to other people about what to do to keep safe. For example, you could talk to:
- Your friends
- Your family
- Your carer
- Staff at your day centre
- Staff who visit your home
- Your key worker
- Someone you trust
For further information for Children and Young People visit:
Bullying | Voice for Children & Young People (voicenorthants.org)
Using assertiveness to stand up for yourself (kidscape.org.uk)
Or for Children, Young People and/or Adults please visit:
Information & advice about all forms of bullying (nationalbullyinghelpline.co.uk)
or contact your local police station.