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Local Signposting
There are some stroke specific local groups listed below:
Hartlepool Support Hub are excellent at supporting stroke recovery and helping to get the affected side moving to increase oxygen flow to the area.
There are a range of activities available each week in both Community Hub Central and Community Hub South, including:
- MOTOMED: A specialist stationary cycle bike to aid mobility is available at Community Hub South Monday - Friday every week. Individuals do need to be accompanied as you get strapped into the bike. Please contact Hartlepool Support Hub to book your 30 minute session.
- Activity & Social Group: The Activity & Social Group is free to anyone managing long term health conditions, including, but not limited to a Stroke, M.S or Parkinson's Disease. The group takes place every Wednesday, 2:30pm-3:30pm at Community Hub South. For more information, contact Hartlepool Support Hub.
For more information or to book your place, please contact Hartlepool Support Hub.
- Telephone: 01429 272905
- Email: [email protected]
- Community Hub South, Wynyard Road, Hartlepool, TS25 3LQ
Headway Hartlepool
Headway Hartlepool meets on the first Wednesday of every month 10am - 12pm at Hartlepool People Centre. Here you can socialise, share experiences, take part in activities and play games. Headway Hartlepool also runs a social event once a month with archery, woodturning and bowling.
For more information, please contact Hartlepool People Centre.
- Telephone: 07817491820
- Email: [email protected]
- Hartlepool People Centre, Raby Road, Hartlepool, TS24 8AH
Teesside Stroke Club
Teesside Stroke Club focusses on exercise with a modern gym, including motorised machines and walking aids. Members of Teesside Stroke Club can benefit from exercise in their own homes with our desk bikes and motorised leg movers.
The Club has trained staff who, along with our volunteers, help our members regain and maintain their fitness. After exercising, members can enjoy a cup of tea or coffee, a chat and a laugh.
The Club also has regular carpet bowling, cooking demos and other activities which aren't to be missed.
For more information or to book a place, please contact Ted Docherty.
- Telephone: 07977137839
- Email: [email protected]
- Middlesbrough Sports Village, Alan Peacock Way, Middlesbrough, TS4 3AE
Positive Strokes
The Positive Strokes club offers social and communication support to people affected by stroke and welcomes membership from stroke survivors, carers and friends.
The club enjoys lots of activities, speakers and seasonal events to complete an action packed programme.
For more information or to book a place, please contact Peter Taylor.
- Telephone: 07847739295
- Email: [email protected]
- Ormesby Club & Institute, 33 High Street, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS7 9PB
NeuroActive UK
NeuroActive UK is an activity group based at Chester le Street which is tailored to those who have had a stroke or brain injury. Although the main focus in sports activities, NeuroActive also have activities to help with cognition. They provide specialist sports and gym equipment as well at MOTOmed bikes.
NeuroActive also offer day trips for a cost.
For more ifnromation, please contact NeuroActive UK.
- Telephone: 07716672540
- Email: [email protected]
- Website: www.neuroactiveuk.org
North East Trust for Aphasia
Based in Newcastle, North East Trust for Asphasia offers a range of groups including communication groups, hobby groups and learning new skills like photography. They also offer a support group for carers and families.
For more information, please contact North East Trust for Aphasia.
- Telephone: 0191 208 8550
- Email: [email protected]
- Website: www.neta.org.uk