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Starfish - Health and Wellbeing
Together, we can improve the health and wellbeing of our communities!
We work all over Teesside, but we have an office in Stockton.
Enterprise House 6-8 Yarm Road, Stockton, TS18 3NA
Telephone Number: 01642 672987
Email Address: [email protected]
1. Community Support (Stockton Base)
Starfish have developed and enriched what they offer in Teesside. Whilst we don't now run a specific counselling/talking therapies service as such, our staff are dedicated to help people and are experienced in wellbeing/mental health support.
We offer free support and a compassionate, warm and supportive environment in or building and we see how this improves lives and increases life chances, through our Stockton site for all ages.
We support our community and believe that 'people help people' and therefore, we set up a number of ways in which you can link with Starfish and your community, therefore avoiding isolation and loneliness.
We have the warm space 'Place to be' in our building on weekdays 5pm until 8pm.
- Come and have a chat and a cuppa with local people
- Make new connections and friends
- Tell us your stories
- Chat with staff in private if needed
- Get help with your next steps to have a better life
- Find out what's available in the area and what support is there for you.
- We have close links with Red Balloons, CAB, Harbour, Healthwatch Stockton and the Free To Be Me, Equality and Diversity Team
We have an Art Group and a fully equipped Art Room (10am until 8pm Wednesdays)
We have a Men's group (Mondays and Fridays 12pm-3pm)
2. Lived Experience Forum every few months (Hartlepool, Stockton and Redcar)
We get together with people of all ages and backgrounds, and services, to discuss ways of improving healthcare and have a voice for change and foster productive dialogue and mutual respect to influence services, propose and make real changes in our local healthcare offer.
3. Support for 16 - 30 year olds - We have the Starfish Academy
Free, compassionate and informed support across Teesside for 16-30 year olds who are not in FULL TIME EMPLOYMENT or COLLEGE. (They may be in part time college or work to join up).
General summary of the Starfish Academy:
This is a hugely successful project specifically for 16-30 year olds in Teesside and is about career planning and wellbeing through 1-1 coaching training and development of personal and professional skills. We teach you to speak highly of yourself and respect yourself and your needs.
First class wellbeing advice from knowledgeable staff with huge experience and lots of compassion in helping people 1-1 or in groups, with emotional needs to be able then to consider your next steps in your career or personal development. We believe in you and you can talk to us, you can move up in the world, you can recover and overcome barriers, and feel better and reach potential.
Our service is planned around you, it's linked with career planning and our own humanistic approach with advocacy support so you are not alone! Advocacy is to help you to have a voice, and to get your points across to health care or housing etc. so if it's stopping you getting on or focussing on yourself and your future, we can help!
We also work in Hartlepool Lets Connect Tees Street Wellbeing Hub.
Signing up is easy and friendly, just call 01642 672987 or email [email protected]