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Hartlepool Technology for Care - Health and Social Care Professionals
The Hartlepool Technology for Care service supports people to live independently and safely in their own homes.
The Technology for Care Service is an outcome-led service. We have moved away from prescribing a fixed list of technology, to identifying the wide variety of needs that can be met by a technology solution.
We will advise on what technology is available and will offer a range of different options to meet the specific need identified.
The majority of technology will be connected to our 24/7 monitoring service that supports independent living and provides confidence that help is available 24 hours a day.
Referrals will be progressed within 5 working days.
A referral has to be submitted by an approved health or social care worker.
Refer a person for a Technology for Care solution
More information about Hartlepool Technology for Care
Overview | Health and Social Care referrals | Self referral | How the service works |
What support is available | About Hartlepool Technology for Care
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