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Community Travel Clubs
Hartlepool Borough Council has introduced the creation of Community Travel Clubs.
Clubs can be established in geographical areas by a number of community groups, Transport Champions or Parish Councils etc to consider the travel needs of individuals within their community. The travel club will determine the needs of its members and the Local Authority will either provide the service required or procure services on their behalf, ensuring best value across a range of providers.
The transport provision will be flexible and delivered on a demand lead basis across a varied geographical area. The cost of each journey will be predetermined and shared between the patrons using the service.
The Council's Passenger Transport Service has a variety of vehicles available to support the scheme, ranging from 70 seater vehicles, 16 seater vehicles including accessible vehicles suitable for those using mobility aids. These vehicles will be available to travel clubs outside of school travel times, evenings and weekends. This can be further supported on an agency basis by private bus and taxi operators who wish to be part of the scheme.
Costs of journeys will vary depending on the needs of each group; a price can be provided once the details of the journey are established.
For further details contact Passenger Transport Services on 01429 523267 or email at [email protected]