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Service summary


PANS (paediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric syndrome) and PANDAS (paediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric syndrome associated with strep) are devastating neuropsychiatric conditions that are currently poorly recognised, diagnosed and supported both medically and in schools.

One estimate suggests that up to 1 in 200 children suffer from this condition.

Resources for parents including diagnostic criteria and details of local support groups.

Resources for Medical professionals

Resources for teachers and Schools

Teacher training package

Facebook group for parents/caregivers

Facebook group for Young People age 12-17 with the condition.

Facebook group for Adults

Links to further Research

Advocacy and support from the charity

Any Children aged 4 to 19 who are displaying symptoms associated with the condition and/or diagnosed with the conditions. Affected children can be in mainstream, alternative, specialist provision or electively home educated.

Self-referral, Education provider (consent obtained), SEND Specialists and Educational Psychologists.

Client Groups Served

  • Children and Young People
  • Parent / Carer


  • Free at point of access, supported through the PANS/PANDAS UK Charity.


Physical Environment Accessibility

Are your premises accessible?

Other Accessibility

Could you provide a BSL interpreter?
Do you cater for religious/cultural needs?
Is a referral required to access your service?

Organisation Details


Contact Details

Images, Files and Documents

File Attachments